Monday, January 5, 2009

What do I want to change and why?

Hi All, I would like to be within my normal weight range I am 30 lbs above that at this moment in time. I think feeling good with the lights on during a romantic interlude with your hubby is a very significant reason for losing weight. It is near the top of my list of reasons for losing. I would also like to fit into all of my clothes not just some of them and I would like to feel sexy all of the time, not just when I stand just so in front of the mirror. I love to hike with my husband and the extra 30 lbs I am toting around make it difficult to keep up with him. I sleep so much better when I am eating right and exercising regularly. Good Health , Good Sex and Good Body Image are my main reasons for wanting to lose weight


The Alaska Coyles said...

You know, I look in my closet and see all these clothes I have that I can NOT fit into,because two years ago I swore (don't tell my children) that I would never gain again, so I gave away all my "big"...ok let just say it out FAT clothes away. Now I only have two pairs of pants, 1 dress and a handful of shirts I can wear. I will not buy any more as I will get back to where I was, plus!
Great to have you on board!

The Jones Family said...

WOW - great post! I am thankful to hear that I am not the only concerned with life out of clothing! It is refreshing to see others in my same shoes. I to share the desire to wear all of my cute clothes. I have such a huge investment in my wardwobe and so many cute business suits that I can not even wear - YET! Not to mention my extra small "undies" (you sisters know what I mean) that I bought after my last weight loss and only wore a few weeks until I discovered I was prego again. Hey ~ Thanks again for the openness, its good to discover others share my goals!