Friday, January 9, 2009

New to the Blog.

Hello. I am new also. I am starting to realize hiding behind baggy clothes is not working anymore. I really want to lose a good amount of weight but as a smaller more reasonable goal I am aiming for 5 lb by months end. As a reward I am going to buy myself dance dance revolution on Wii. I do not have tons of time to work out but am going ot try to at least walk twice a week, and work on my abs 2 times a week to start out.
I have always been into aerobics and have quite a few videos to workout to..including the Biggest Loser. I plan to use them with my oldest child as my partner.
My biggest problem is I like sweet and salty foods and can sometimes let my emotions determin what goes in my mouth. I am excited to be a part of this blog. Thank you Lynnda for the invite.


The Alaska Coyles said...

Glad to see you make it!! I love your reward. You will have to let me know how you like it. I have Outdoor Adventure, which for me is a workout. I love that one and also wii fit. Your goal looks great and we all have problems we need to work on. I am sweet and carbs. I LOVE the taste of food, yet some times it is such a pain to be so tied down with food. Almost everything we do centers around food. This is where we can all help each other gain a healthier habit of eating. Don't be afraid to post at any time. We love to hear what other people have to say.

The Jones Family said...

Welcome to the group! We need to see some before pics of all of our new people~ Putting it out there is what gave me most of my motivation...Great goal by the way ~