Tuesday, January 13, 2009


Okay, so I am new to this whole blogging thing, but I am not new to losing weight! Most of us have had experience in that department! Mostly my experience comes from having children and you know how that baby weight can be very stubborn!
So since having kids, I have recently found out that I have a thyroid deficiency, and the only reason why I brought that up was because of something I have learned from this problem (soon to be corrected I might add! :) ). I have learned that if your thyroid is off, then all of your hormones are off, which consequently can lead to weight gain, or in some cases people can not put on the weight (wish I had that problem!!). I have also learned that 2/3's of thyroid deficiencies can be fixed by taking vitamins! That is right, vitamins! People who are Vit. D deficient or Iodine deficient probally are over working their thyroid which leads to a problem with.....you guessed it, weight! Some of the symptoms are low energy, swollen eyes and face, constipation, afternoon fatigue, low labido, trouble losing weight, etc. So if you have some or all of these symptoms I suggest you go see a thyroid SPECIALIST. You can go to your normal MD, but they only test for a certain range that you are in, the specialist test for specific ranges and they test for vit. deficiencies.
Also in my journey of finding out all of this my friend has taught me to take time for myself and so for Christmas my hubby gave me stocking stuffer cash! I used it for a highly recommended body wrap. Now at first I was sceptical, but when I went and was finished I loved it!! There are three things a body wrap does for you (there are many kinds of wraps, but the lady I went to does the seaweed body wrap) the first thing it does is release and remove toxins from deep in the muscle tissue. The second thing it does is lift and tighten your skin. It helps the elasticity in your skin begin to tighten causing you to lose inches and, yes, it does lift!! The third thing it does for you is to deeply moisturize your skin. There was one other thing it did for me, because it was a seaweed wrap it saturated my thyroid with iodine, because seaweed is full of iodine. The side effects of a body wrap are a trimmer, slimmer, moisturized you. It also gives you tons of energy. The first night (same day I had a body wrap) I went to bed at my normal hour and I was WIDE awake at 2 am. I had a ton of energy the next day as well. I felt fantastic!
So my suggestion for you ladies, and men who are working to lose weight is.....every ten pounds (suggested by my friend who does body wraps) you lose you should get a body wrap! It will help your skin go back to where it came from! In the end of your journey you won't have that saggy skin that comes from losing a lot of weight.
Well I hope you found this blog to be informative and interesting. Don't forget it's important to treat and take care of yourself. Oh by the way, if you save that money you would have spent on junk food and eating out, it will more than pay for the body wrap!
Keeping a new mind,


The Alaska Coyles said...

I love the suggestion of taking care of ourselves. Today I was supposed to go walking yet I let my kids go first as I had lots of papers to correct and get report cards, and work samples turned in for school. The body wrap sounds so intriguing (I hope I spelled that right). I have always wanted to do something like this yet how could I spend money on myself when the family needs it more. This is where I am learning, if I don't take care of me, I can't take care of the family. Thanks for the wonderful post and keep on posting.
We need your weekly goal and month of Jan goal.

shinlian said...

I have found that I am a better mother and wife if I take time for myself. I believe if we are healthy we can help others to be healthy as well! We have to get over the guilt factor of spending money on ourselves, after all we have definately earned it!