Sunday, January 18, 2009

Plan, Plan, Plan

Out of all my YEARS of watching my weight (get smaller and larger), I have found the best think that helps is planning your meals. When I plan, I stick with it compared to just going to the fridge and wondering what I am going to have for my meals and snacks. I plan for at least two weeks in advance. It seems like a headache at first yet in the long run it really does help. I am still in the process of getting my cookbook done for this purpose alone. On my calendar (I print one out) I have my three meals and two snacks for each day and then I shop and have the food in the house.
I can't stress it need to plan in order to succeed. We can all succeed!!


The Jones Family said...

Well said Lynda - Planning ahead is the number one component required to succeed at any goal. AND that is what we are doing here. We are setting a goal to be healthier, stronger individuals and with that come lots of planning. We are a people of convenience and I have learned that this part of my life; i.e. convenience foods; does not have to go away, it just takes planning! I agree Lynda, I am very particular regarding my meals/snacks and it is sooo easy to run to the fridge and have already prepared, portioned, pre-labeled and precooked if needed meals/snacks. In fact, I bought a label maker just for this purpose. Buy one - it will change your world!!! (that’s the OCD in me)... The kids will know what is free rain, and what to stay out of and/or what they can/cant share with you! SO - spend one day a week shopping, cooking and packaging your meals/snacks & there will be no reason to grab that snickers bar just cuz it was convenient! :0)

The Alaska Coyles said...

AMEN Vicki!!

Hernandez family said...

I'm with you!! Then you also don't have your children yelling at you where's the food! I think that it also goes back to having a food storage, you are able to manage what you really need to buy and how much.Also the Word of Wisdom tells us that over eating and what kinds of foods we are putting into our bodies is very important. So to the computer or book and plan today for tomorrow.