Wednesday, January 14, 2009

My Progress So Far.

OK girls...I was going to wait until the end of the month to tell you how I have been doing. Yet I will tell you now. I have a lot of weight to loose so this small amount is just a drop in the bucket (I think I lost it in my pinky finger), yet I did loose 12 lbs as of today. I will be curious to see if I loose any more by the end of the month. I have already felt a difference. It was getting to the point, when I would walk down the stairs my right knee would pop with each step I took. Since loosing this small amount I do not have any more popping.


Connie~ said...

WOW Lynnda! Good for you! I haven't done so well. I still have this jar of mint ruffles from Christmas that I try to forget about, but it keeps calling my name. Oh how I love the taste of mint truffles. But I have done really well on my water helps wash them truffles down....okay, enough.

The Alaska Coyles said...

I looooooooovvvvvvvvvveeeeeeee truffles. I should of had more for Christmas. Let's see, 6 a day, breakfast, lunch and dinner and two snacks, sounds good to me. The whole goal here is to take small steps, so you are doing great by keeping up on your water. High-Five (and add a truffle with it :>).

The Jones Family said...

Great job Lynda. I wish I had the courage to get on the scale. Well, all in good time. I will keep you posted when I do my measurements next Thursday - Keep your fingers crossed!

Unknown said...

Well, it's half way through the month and I am half way to my goal. I weighed myself today and I have lost 2.5 pounds.

The Alaska Coyles said...

Yeah Beth!!! That is great. Keep up the good work. Just think that is 2 1/2 lbs less than what you were. 2 1/2 lbs less you have to carry, that will never come back to haunt you (as long as you don't allow it). Keep it up!!!

Hernandez family said...

GOOD for everyone!!!! Did anyone realize that for one pound of weight is 4 sticks of butter. Keep working at it Slowly but surely. I'm afraid to get back on the scale--last time at Dr. Johnsons office i weighed 76 lbs, so I gained some more, don't know how much, but even one pound is too much.