Sunday, January 11, 2009

Week Goals

How did everyone do for this past week on their goals? Did you accomplish it? Have a down fall yet got back up? What? Let us all know.

I did well on my water intake. I have been cold for the last couple of days and I don't like to drink cold water so I need to make sure I have room temp water. So often I don't feel thirsty yet I make myself drink and once I start then I notice I was thirsty.

What is your goal for this week, Jan 12 - 18th?

Mine will be going to bed by 1:30a.m., and walking twice a week (Tues & Thurs) and on the off days of walking doing Oxycise the other days. What is your new goal?

Don't forget to keep doing this past week's goal. You women are doing great! Keep us posted!

1 comment:

The Jones Family said...

My mini goal for the week is to get some sleep. I stay up way too late (night owl) sometimes I am up when James gets up for work at 4am. Then I only sleep until the kids get up for school at 7. Napping is impossible w/ a 3 year old and 3 hours of sleep is just making my crazy. So I am goaling for 6 hours of sleep a night - night being the operative word!