Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Exercise?! Work or Fun.

I was sitting on my couch yesterday talking with a friend, and we were discussing exercising. I have always exercised and am one of those kinds of people that thinks it's fun, most of the time. However lately I have been slacking on my exercises. I used to go everyday for an hour, but for the last two weeks I have taken a break.
My main goal in exercising lately has been to lose weight, but in light of my recent finidings I now know why I was not losing the weight. I worked on losing weight for about a year doing your normal diet and exercise. Nothing worked and I was killing myself each time I went to my exercise group. So on advice of my husband I took a break to re-group and re-focus.
I decide that it was not worth it to kill myself every time I exercise. I knew that if I did I would quit and I would definately not like myself if I quit. So I thought about it for a while and I have come to a conclusion.....I will not focus on exercise as a weight loss tool, rather I will focus on exercise as a source of enjoyment. I will go to have fun, and I am not going to have any expectations. I know that if I do this I will stick with it and it will benefit me far more than if I went and killed myself everytime.
So my new years resolution is not for weight loss or even for any kind of weight goal at all, but rather to focus on a new out look in regards to exercising. It's fun and it does not have to be a killer workout ALL of the time. I am shooting for a long term healthy life and not just a short term yo-yo wieght loss. I want to exercise all my life and if I enjoy it I will stick with it.
So in the future when you are exercising and wondering why you are doing this, maybe you should figure that out before you end up sitting on the couch! :)
Keeping a new mind,

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