Saturday, January 10, 2009

What did you eat tonight?

Eilish was cooking (she had a coupon)and made "burnt" (chocolate chip) pancakes and eggs so I had Flax seed pancake and two eggs. I am full! I need to listen to my body as I probably could of only ate 1/2 and been fine. My meal was all protein. Now to finish off my water.

What did YOU have?


The Jones Family said...

Today I was able to eat all of my veggies and fruits as well as my water but had a hard time with the protein. The chicken looked and smelled delicious but as soon as I sat to eat it, I was not able to. I only ate half. BUT with my shakes and other snacks was able to get most of my protein in. I am having a hard time with my starches - need to find other varieties of low carb's that I can add to my daily intake.
I have come out of my withdrawal finally so I am feeling better w/ less headaches and a little energy. I am also attempting another yearly goal and that is to QUIT the caffeine and so my body is not doing well with that right now. I am finding myself needing to snack more so I am replacing those high sugar/carb snacks w/ an extra fruit or raw veggie.

The Alaska Coyles said...

This is great. People don't really relize just what caffeine does on the body. It is good you are getting off of it. If you can afford it, I would get some Vita Taste from Sunrider as this will help you get away from all that. You are doing wonderful. Just keep up the good work. I know when I think I have to let others here know what I have done for the day, I am more app to do it or not do something. Accountability is where it is!