Saturday, January 17, 2009

How is Everyone Doing?

The month is almost ended. How is everyone doing? Are you meeting your goals or do you need to kick it in high gear so that you can meet your goal?

Connie, how are you doing with the 5 lbs you want to loose?

Vicki, how about you? Are your clothes feeling different?

Lainee, how are you doing? 5lbs gone? I know you have at less 4lbs you can not fine.

Beth, Heather, Sara, MotherJoyof10, Karen... how is everyone doing?

Step on the scale or try on the tape measure and take a look at where you are. If you are serious about changing, then lets help each other and encourage each other. Let's check in every day and ask how everyone is doing. I know we are busy yet I think we all have time to check in at least once a day.
I would like to see all of us succeed. Have a wonderful night!


The Jones Family said...

I am doing ok. James had to leave town for work for who knows how long and I am here completely alone - YET this separation can (will) be an excellent way to motivate myself. The reunion will be that much better AND HOTTER if I have met my goals. It will really boost my self confidence! By direction of my dietitian, I am doing a very high protein liquid fast for 10 days... I hope this will give me the boost I need to get over this speed bump! I will let everyone know how I am doing in 10 days.
AND yes, my clothes are already looser ~ but I am not measuring myself until this weekend! Status on that TBA!!

Hernandez family said...

I'm doing okay. Just getting myself a good hard look in the mirror was tuff in it's self. My clothes don't fit and I'm tired of it. So with that thought on to the next step. Weight watchers- because their is nothing in my cupboards to throw away because i haven't gone shopping. But I do have vegetables in the refrigratore. that's a good start. How are you doing lynda?

The Alaska Coyles said...

Thanks for asking. I am doing pretty good. Eating healthy and walking twice a week. I know need to up my exercising. I did my weights this morning and I know I am going to be sore in the morning.