Saturday, January 10, 2009

Question of the Week

What do you do when you are tempted to eat something and are not hungery? Let's hear from all of you.


Unknown said...

Unfortunely, when I'm tempted to eat something I usually give in. Food is my biggest weakness. So far this week I haven't been able to stay in my calorie or fat limits for a single day. So if anyone else has suggestions, I'm waiting to hear them.

JoyMotherof10 said...

I make sure I'm getting enough water. When I get even a little dehidrated I feel more hungry & I eat more.--Heres my tip of the week. Place your favorite protein like chicken or beef (pre coocked) & frozen vegies with a small amount of light oilve oil,salt & pepper,herbs & spices onto a piece of aluminum foil lined with parchment paper. Create a pouch around your food with the alumium foil & parchment paper beimg sure to seal all the edges. Make several "pouch diners" ahead & freez them. The great things about these pouch dinners---you control what you put in them & there is no clean up after eating!
Thanks for inviting me to share in your blog. I am going to enjoy improving my health while I loose weight with you this year.

The Alaska Coyles said...

My views...and I need to remember to do them, is this. Drink plenty of water. Stay full. I have also found I eat for no reason when I am bored, depressed, tired,etc. We need to teach our minds there are other things to do instead of eat. My big problem is when kids are in bed and I am having my alone time...I snack. I need to keep my water take up and teach my body that I don't need to eat during these times. Also, reading about the foods you are eating helps me. When I learn how addictive sugar is and the damage it can do...I don't want to put it into my body. We need to educate ourselves with what we put into our bodies. We need to go back to basic and get away from "fast" foods and Preservatives. Study and learn about what goes into our mouth, to me this is one of the biggest keys in weightloss and maintaining.

The Jones Family said...

#1: Get rid of the temptations!!! Before I began my 'retraining', I designated a snack cupboard for the kids and James and told them as well as myself that I was completely restricted from taking from there. I also only keep fresh fruit and veggies on hand; cut, packaged and in front of the fridge; so that when I do get those temptations, the ONLY thing I see is the good stuff. NO CHOICES~
#2: WATER WATER WATER: I also have gotten into the habit of making sure I have a full bottle of water sitting near me. Not the bottle I drink from to measure my normal daily intake, but one that I can use when I get cravings or are tempted. Keep the water at room temp (not in the fridge) and when I get tempted, chug it down. By the time I am done, my tummy is full and I don’t want the temptation as much & then I can talk myself down.
#3: Back to basic human physiology: Salt shooters also work. Usually when your body draws you to an off limit food, there is something in it that it needs. The potassium is a key piece! I learned in my Nutrition of Dieting course that when you are craving something, chemically your body is low on either potassium or sugar AND potassium should be the taker every time. Your body has plenty of sugar store but potassium is hard to come by. Morton’s light salt is what I use - it has 1/2 the sodium as regular iodized salt BUT contains an equal amount of potassium in its place. So, 1/4 tbsp Morton’s light salt and 4 ounces of luke warm water - shoot it down and in my experience, the cravings/temptation is null. ***don’t exceed more than ½ tbsp of Salt each day~

momof6kidz said...

This is a hard one. I am an emotional eatter, so weither I am bored or depressed etc I snack.
I know the facts. Sugar is not good for you, but it is hard when you are at home and the food is around you.
On the oft time I don't want to spoil my diet I drink fluids.It does help. I also have a jar of pepperchini hot peppers in my refrigerator that helps. I have heard spicy foods can curb your craving for sweets.

JoyMotherof10 said...

WOW! these are all great ideas victoria, I'll try the light salt sugestion. I am praying that each of us will acchive wellness, strenth & power this year.

THX & much LUV Mom

rebekah jones said...

I think the easieat thing to do is allow yourself so many "extra calories" a week. It is ok to eat a cupcake or a serving of chips once in a while. My sister mary and I are starting WW and I live it because they teach that you should restrict everything, but learn to eat them and know when to stop. Also i have used some recipes that call for different kinds of sweeteners. I hope by July I will have lost 30 pounds, here is to wishing myself goodluck.

The Alaska Coyles said...

I have no doubt that you will acheive your goal. Just don't stop what you are doing. If you fall, get back up and keep on going. The big thing for so many people is that they "fall" and then just give up. If we eat a whole pie...oh well, do better with your next meal. With me, I put something in my mouth and if it taste reaaaaaaallllllllyyyyy good then I just can't seem to stop, so for awhile I need to stay away from foods with high calories.

Rebecca, you need to accept my invitation so you can "post" and not just comment...

What is your weekly goal and your goal for Jan?

JoyMotherof10 said...

My goal for the rest of this month is to loose 5 pounds. With each 5 pounds lost I decrese the preasure on my ankels by at least 25 pounds. My hope is to save my right ankle. I know I will loose this ankle if I dont loose weight. My 12 month gole is to loose 44% of my total weight. I also will start WW this week. And by the way there are numerous food paths---if we have individule food alergiies or cant handle large amounts of one food group its ok to delete a food or limit a food group. The point I am making is---we are each unique & we need to learn what works for us. Each of us needs to feel safe here in this blog, if we incourage, love & cheer each other in our indeviduel goals we will grow stronger & healthier.