Sunday, February 8, 2009

Better Choices.

Hey Ladies. Busy days. I know with my 6 kids I am so busy somedays it is hard to go to the bathroom alone. My week could have defineally been better. I did workout 4 times but still have issues with chocolate. I had one to many brownies and my emotions still dictate what I eat. I hate that! Still I have decided to keep a food journal and write down what I eat and why. I need to eat more fruit and veggies and take in more water and do some type of exercise everday, not just on the days I feel like it!
My goal for this week includes reducing my sugar intake and being in a better mood. Hope everyone has a good week. Any advice would be helpful! Heather

1 comment:

JoyMotherof10 said...

Well I have lost 4 pounds---keep up the good work everyone!! Joy